Alliance Education Hub

Alliance Education Hub

Welcome to the Alliance Education Hub!

Please review the following instructions and select the GROUP that best describes the training you are here to complete.

Next, select the "Click HERE to Access this GROUP" LINK at the bottom of your your chosen GROUP.   You will be asked to "self-register" or will be able to log back into your account if you have already created one.  You may then select and begin, or continue the training that is associated with your GROUP.


By registering for the Education Hub, you will be added to our email distribution list which includes Golf Inclusion Monthly ®. Your information will not be shared with other parties with the exception of organizations that have requested participation/completion reports for their organization related to staff or volunteers they have asked to complete training. 


Single Sign-On from GAIN to access the Education Hub is not presently available so users are required to create an additional username and password to access the Education Hub. 

The Education Hub landing page you are now on may also be accessed directly from by selecting Education Hub on the main navigation bar.


If not already using GAIN - the Golf Access and Inclusion Network ®, we do encourage you to join the community of adaptive golf experts and golfers to access the additional networking opportunities and resources GAIN provides.

Education Credits are only available for the Onboarding Training Series and are displayed below.

Golf Facility Leadership, Staff and Associations

Contributes to the professional development of ALL employees at a golf facility by providing the knowledge and best practices to provide an accessible property and inclusive organizational culture that welcomes all individuals to the game of golf.

GROUP includes access to the Onboarding Training Series, the Facility Self-Assessment Process, Microlearning Lessons, and Adaptive Event Staff and Volunteer Training.   


Click HERE to access this GROUP

Volunteer Training for Adaptive Golf Events

Provides an understanding of types of disabilities and disability etiquette and communications to facilitate positive experiences for all involved in the execution of adaptive golf events, including staff, volunteers and spectators.

GROUP includes access to the Adaptive Event Staff and Volunteer Training and Microlearning Lessons.

Golf facility staff are encouraged to access this training via the Golf Facility Leadership, Staff and Associations GROUP.

Click HERE to access this GROUP

Health Care Professionals


Familiarizes health care professionals with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the game of golf related to access and inclusion.  Health Care Professionals add tremendous value to instructional programs bringing individuals with disabilites into the game of golf.

GROUP includes access to the Onboarding Training Series, Microlearning Lessons, and Adaptive Event Staff and Volunteer Training. 

Click HERE to access this GROUP



Education Credits


PGA 2.0 PDRs for completing the Onboarding Training series (6 lessons). Members are required to scan and submit the course completion certificate to to obtain PDRs.
LPGA 2.0 Non-LPGA CUs for completing the Onboarding Training series (6 lessons). Members are required to scan and submit the course completion certificate to the LPGA Member Portal to request credits.
GCSAA 0.30 Education Points for completing the Onboarding Training Series (6 lessons). GCSAA Approval Code provided upon completion of the Onboarding Training Series for GCSAA Members. Record your completion using the online Education Point Affidavit in the Submit Points area of 
CMAA 3.0 Education Credits for completing the Onboarding Training series (6 lessons). Members are required to submit the course completion certificate and submit with the CMAA Education Credit Form via email to